As I type, the #StokeLevel begins to rise as the afternoon NWS forecasts are talking about weather, rain, and snow returning to Northern California right before the holidays.
As of 1739, we are still outside the box regarding total precip, snow, winds, and the gambit; however, we can see the HP ridge off the coast beginning to break down and move eastward. We are still questioning how long the ridge will break and exactly what track the storm will take.

NWS Sacramento writes: Light to moderate snow will accompany this system with 2" to 6" inches forecasted for the Sierra up to a foot near Lassen NP. Only a dusting under 2" inches is forecasted for the Coastal Range and Cascades north of Lassen. NBM has a 20-40% chance of seeing amounts of 4" inches or more over the Sierra, peaking at Lassen.
Models have had a fair amount of uncertainty about how things will trend in terms of timing and exact amounts, so please continue to monitor the latest forecast for any updates! More importantly, things have consistently shown only minor travel impacts expected, if any, with this midweek system. Any accumulating precipitation should have tapered with a brief lull by Thursday evening as more active weather approaches this weekend.
![ECMWF Ens [M] 0.1º - 6hr Precip, MSLP, 850mb, Temp (ºc)](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2c174f_8b1bc175cb014e46a14becb01518b83b~mv2.gif/v1/fill/w_980,h_805,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,pstr/2c174f_8b1bc175cb014e46a14becb01518b83b~mv2.gif)
Then, as we look back out Friday through Monday and the Extended forecast, we see a weak ridging that will continue to slide east on Friday, bringing in a wetter weather system to our forecast area Friday late morning through Saturday night with moderate mountain snow and valley rain, with breezy winds expected.
Snow levels will be generally 5,000 to 6,000 feet, up to 6,500' on Friday but lower to 4,500 to 5,500 feet briefly on Sunday morning before settling at 5,500 to 6,500 feet by Monday. NBM probabilities for snow above 12" inches are just 25-50%, so a fair amount of uncertainty remains if the heavier snow periods will be realized.

So, my friends, Let's get ready to slide; if you need a tune, I'd highly suggest you get'yr sticks and decks tuned, boots fitted, and gear ready, and if you need a few tickets or a Cali Pass POW'Hunt'n tag, NOW and save some coin... #POWHunt'nSeason is here, and its time to start bank'n'dayz, and baggin peaks, my friends!
Stay'nThirsty for POW